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Our inspiration

Between modernity and Italian tradition

Can art and industry coexist?

Does Italian craftsmanship go hand in hand with innovation?

We think so and this belief has been our inspiration from the very beginning.
We have sought innovation aimed at improving efficiency and sustainability, while leaving experience and tradition with the task of keeping the quality and creativity typical of Italian craftsmanship high.

This continuous effort to balance tradition and modernity is the basis of the success of Conceria Tris.

Conceria Tris

A nice story

Founded in 1969, Conceria Tris initially specialized in equine skins. Starting from a covered area of 1500 square meters and then extending more and more, it has become, in a few years, the reference tannery in Europe for horse skins, with a basic monthly production of 1700 square meters.
Subsequently, Conceria Tris expanded its offer to include cow hides, in order to extend the range of items to colored and silk-screened items, which are in great demand all over the world. The expansion of the offer in a few years allowed the two founding partners, Palmerino Bortoli and Silvano Peretti, to increase the number of employees from about twenty to over sixty.
However, the seasonality of the hair leather market required to further enrich the offer and, in the 1980s, Conceria Tris introduced the grain leathers for leather goods, footwear and furnishings into its portfolio. Thanks to this last operation, Conceria Tris expanded to  reach 20.000 sqm of buildings.

Among the new processed leathers, Conceria Tris undoubtedly stood out for the Athene article, conceived and developed internally and immediately the subject of many attempts at imitation. Even today the original Athene article by Conceria Tris is among the most appreciated by brands not only for its characteristics of transparency and naturalness, but also because, just like wine that improves with time, so Athene becomes more lovable with use.

Tris tannery today


In a complex market, with an increasingly competent demand, Conceria Tris focuses on service and personalization, making them its strengths. In fact, our customers choose us for our reactivity, availability and reliability.

Furthermore, great importance is given to sustainability issue (Click here for more information).

Finally, Conceria Tris continuously carries out research on the new market trends and continuously develops new processes. Today we have more than 180 articles in our portfolio to choose from.







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